That test is just to verify that scaladbtest did in fact insert the
rows in the database. It's testing to make it is doing what it's
supposed to do ;)

As an application developer, you will not have to assert that
scaladbtest has loaded your data - you can just make it use of it when
your test starts.

Does that answer your question?

On Oct 22, 10:05 am, Thomas Jung <>
> Hi Ken,
> How do you use DBUnit or ScalaDBTest without introducing redundancy
> all over the place?
> The knowledge about the data is in the files and to some extend in
> your tests as well.
> For example from your test suite:
> tester.onBefore("two_string_table.dbt")
> jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from two_string_table")
> should equal (2)
> Thomas
> On Oct 21, 5:45 pm, Ken Egervari <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I wrote a framework that intends to replace DBUnit. It promises a 30%
> > reduction in the number of characters used compared to dbunit, and
> > mass simplifications and extra features across the board.
> > It's on git. You can read about it 
> > there:
> > I only spent 2 or 3 days on it so far, but all the basic functionality
> > is there and it works with mysql and hsqldb for sure. I even have it
> > working on a real project that has 1093 tests and hundreds of records
> > of test data, so it's field tested ;) It actually runs faster than
> > dbunit too by about 10 seconds :)
> > Enjoy,
> > Ken

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