If you want some inspiration on how to remove duplication in data
fixtures, take a look at Nat Pryce's make-it-easy library up on
googlecode. Would be very interested to see those ideas expressed in
Scala, with or without db support.


On Oct 23, 4:19 pm, Ken Egervari <ken.egerv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I do (hopefully).
> It's not implemented yet, but it's next on the list, and it shouldn't
> be too difficult. Perhaps I'll run the idea by you and you can let me
> know if this fixes it for you.
> The framework already has a way to specify labels, so you can label a
> record like this:
>     country:
>     - [Canada] country_id: 1, name: "Canada"
>     - [United States] country_id: 2, name: "United States"
> Of course, there's some redundancy there, so you can pass in an
> expression to the name property like this:
>     country:
>     - [Canada] country_id: 1, name: $label
>     - [United States] country_id: 2, name: $label
> That gets rid of the duplication in text whenever it's needed, but we
> still have the duplication where name=$label, so we can use default
> values to refactor that.
>     country:
>     ? name: $label
>     - [Canada] country_id: 1
>     - [United States] country_id: 2
> So far, everything has been implemented as shown. The next steps have
> not, but will be.
> I agree that ids are a messy way to reference data that leaves a lot
> to be desired. One thing we can do is get the framework to generate
> the ids... that way we can access the rows from labels instead:
>     country: [pk: country_id]
>     ? name: $label
>     - [Canada]
>     - [United States]
> This doesn't work for pk's consisting for of two or more columns, but
> it's going to work in 99% of cases where you are pulling a root object
> that is needed for test against.
> Now, one thing I've left out is a name space for the label. It's
> implied because of the table name. The reason it's important for
> references later. The syntax could look something like this:
>     province: [pk: province_id]
>     - name: $label
>     - [Ontario] province_id: $country(Canada)
>     - [New York] province_id: $country(United States)
> I haven't really decided yet yet to put these in quotes or notes. I'll
> have to see what feels natural and looks best. Maybe this looks
> better?:
>     province: [pk: province_id]
>     - name: $label
>     - ["Ontario"] province_id: $country("Canada")
>     - ["New York"] province_id: $country("United States")
> Anyway, in your test code, you could do something like this:
>     val province = provinceDao.find( "Ontario".toId )
> "toId" could be an implicit that maps Strings (or Symbols I guess) to
> a wrapper that has a toId() method. The implicit will return the same
> id that the framework generated when it parsed in all the test data.
> Does this approach solve the problem? Suggestions/improvements?

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