I haven't read the full thread, but I'll throw this in.

The technical direction of the desktop will be shaped by the skill

If 'most of' the world knows CSS / JS / HTML etc, then it's going to
drive the technical direction, and what ever short comings that are
currently  in these platforms will be eventually corrected.

On Nov 5, 6:33 pm, ADRA <dche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why not client side Ruby, Java, Groovy, Clojure, Scala etc. along side
> > JavaScript all running on the VBM (virtual browser machine, or keeping
> > in the spirit of a few of last pod casts you could misinterpret this
> > as ,  violent, bm).
> The surface area that you're talking about is really really big. You
> will either end up with lobotomized implementations of these languages
> (like what Microsoft did with all .NET languages), or you end up with
> a huge surface for remote attacks. Can my java apps run Swing, AWT,
> Sockets, File IO, JNI? If so what dictates the permissions model? If
> not, can you really (not legally, but philosophically) call it Java?
> For example, I believe that VB died at 6.0 and some other language was
> born with the same name later on. You may call it Java, and it may
> basically have the same syntax, but that doesn't make it Java.
> > This would require way too much coordination between companies all set
> > on dominating the digital world to really happen.  But ahhh, wouldn't
> > be nice to have client side, write once, in your language of choice,
> > run on anything that supports a browser.
> Having browser developers agree on HTML/CSS/JS standards are tenuous
> enough. Imagine trying to strong arm Microsoft or Apple into natively
> supporting language bindings for Java, Ruby, etc?? It will not happen.
> Its not in their interests and in fact it would probably hurt their
> proprietary platform development efforts.
> From Reinier:
> > Something like iTunes (the music store part runs on HTML, or so I
> > hear), or Steam (which is all HTML running on top of an embedded
> > webkit).
> There are advantages and disadvantages to the strategy. The plus is
> that there are pieces of code that can be reused over the true web
> interface. Both examples cannot exist without an internet connection
> and cannot function without them. The same code running the web site
> is also power the client web browser engine. At least the steam
> version is not being served from the local application. There is
> possibly a little extra sugar into the steam HTML that allows for very
> simple primitive integration with the rest of the steam application,
> but make no mistake, there is still a ton of native code in steam and
> iTunes (I don't use the store, just the app, so I can't say anything
> about how itunes or its store work with web pages). They are not
> defacto portable in themselves, though it may simplify porting for
> specific areas of development.
> Positives:
> 1. Code reuse between the web page presenting the data and the
> integrated application means less coding and redundant work
> 2. Slightly easier time porting the application to other platforms
> (assuming the web engine of choice exists on all said platforms)
> 3. Easier to work with for experienced web developers
> Disadvantages:
> 1. Non-native feel -- Steam looks fine in general, but when you go to
> the web interface, you KNOW you're not running natively. In the old
> steam days I always giggled when I could right click and bring up the
> embedded IE's context menu.
> 2. Poor / difficult bindings with the rest of the system -- Unless
> you're truly writing an application from scratch on a system (assuming
> there was a an RCP HTML shell engine available) you will always need
> to worry about the web interface hooking back into the host
> application. I think steam gets it done using steam:// uri handlers
> and maybe some other magic, though I'm really not sure. That context
> shift really means a friction in interacting between the two layers of
> code on the platform. The web interface works well for Value because
> most of the web interface is mostly self-encapsulated. There is very
> little interaction between stream the windows client and the web site
> that is hosted from within the windows steam client that making and
> supporting these bindings was simple since there weren't many to be
> made. Do I believe that steam will eventually be a big webkit GUI with
> widgets and pages hosted from a local mini-server? I doubt it, but
> stranger things have happened. Even then, the run-time that would
> enable that would need a ton of systems access that one would never
> give to standard web browsers or cookie-cutter browser hosted local
> apps.
> 3. Basically no 'desktop integration' which one assumes is necessary
> since you wish to write a 'desktop application' using web tech. The
> caveat being as in the steam case where they use bindings to escape
> into a native layer for processing things which that cannot be done in
> HTML. As expressed in the previous point, this is not as straight
> forward as people may hope.
> Prediction: In 2012 the holy war over which RCP web engine of choice
> to run will be in the latest thing. If in fact this technique does get
> popular, not all will be portable despite the hope. You'll have a
> strata that will look and perform really well on specific platforms or
> for very specific purposes, and there will be others that are so jack
> of all platforms that you may as well call them web browsers (with the
> limited integration that goes along with it).  It'll be just another
> layer of frameworks that everyone will have to learn 3 of.

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