JavaScript already is running in a JIT-enabled VM with the same bells and 
whistles managed code developers are used to.  What it doesn't have is type 
safety, so you can effectively think of JavaScript as your medium of 
distribution -- bytecode.  It just happens to be human readable, so a lot of 
people write it by hand.  But you can just as easily have a tool that 
your strongly typed language into JavaScript, package it for distribution with 
some limited compile-time optimizations and rely on the client-side VM to do 
rest.  This is exactly what GWT does.


From: Carl Jokl <>
To: The Java Posse <>
Sent: Fri, November 5, 2010 6:16:13 AM
Subject: [The Java Posse] Re: Evolution from web to desktop?

I hope it may be a good sign that others are thinking on the same
lines as I have been thinking too for some time. Albeit I am not sure
if it will happen.

Considering Flash, Java and .Net amongst others all have some kind of
Virtual Machine. It would be good it the "JavaScript" engine were a
virtual machine too supporting some kind of bytecode. This means that
it could be targeted by any compiler which could compile to that

In terms of supporting all the languages. Support for the languages
may not be so much of the issue. It is really a matter of the API's.
Saying that something cannot be called Java because it doesn't support
the whole JavaSE API set may not be a fair statement. We already have
had JavaME which is branded as "Java" but only supports a much more
limited set of APIs which are suited to that platform.

In that case would it not be reasonable then to have a JavaWE (Web
Edition) or JavaBE (Browser Edition), such that the APIs are limited
to just those which are supported currently by JavaScript.

Needless to say JavaScript doesn't support anything like the rich
functionality that Java or .Net do but surely you have to start
somewhere. If broad support for the browser VM came into place then
expanding the functionality could be done bit by bit via the W3C. In
the case of things like Flash, JavaFX and Silverlight it may be that
the functionality needed for those could be provided by loading
additional libraries beyond the core "Browser JM Libraries" to provide
that functionality.

The aspect that could make it interesting is the prospect of
seamlessly pass objects from server to client back to server the way
thick clients have been able to such as with RMI, RPC, CORBA etc.

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