On Nov 23, 12:56 pm, "Manfred Moser" <manf...@mosabuam.com> wrote:
> People keep missing the point that Android is about choice even in these
> comparisons. You do NOT have to use Eclipse if you dont want to. I know
> people that develop Android apps in KomodoEdit, IntelliJ, Neetbeans,
> Eclipse, Vim and Emacs...
> Try doing that with Xcode development..

Pedantic fact-check: you can edit your files with some other
application and use the command-line xcodebuild to build the project.
Or, if you don't want to also maintain the .xcodeproj, you can call
gcc or clang from a Makefile or equivalent, and assemble bundles with
build scripts.  The one thing I'm not aware of how to avoid xcode for
is code signing, and that may well be possible too:  it's already
enough of a pain in the ass with xcode that I don't care to learn /usr/

Granted, nobody actually does anything like this.  Xcode inspires its
share of grumbling, but the people who truly hate it seem to be the
ones who hate the whole platform, and therefore probably aren't using
it anyways.


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