On 12/15/2010 02:41 PM, Casper Bang wrote:

Well I am of course talking about the original Beans Binding
(JSR-295), as well as it's sister project Swing App Framework
(JSR-296) which depends on it. Perhaps your definition of abandoned
differs from mine, but most people checking the mailing-lists would
come to the same conclusion as I: 
The original projects have been abandoned. For what concerns BeansBinding, sure we miss new features and some bug fixes, but it works for most needs. In facts, NetBeans still supports it. It supports the forked version in the sense that the fork is backward compatible (also because it didn't go a lot forward... just to be out of irony, the moron is me and it's my fault).

But, for what concerns beansbinding, I think that there could be news. BeansBinding was abandoned also because in the meantime JavaFX Script was born and there was that excellent functional binding support embedded in the language. Now that JavaFX Script has been dropped and JavaFX has been redesigned as a Swing library, I expect some fresh support in the area of bindings. I don't know whether it will resume from where BeansBinding was or whether it will be a brand new thing. I can say that the new stricter communication policy of Oracle doesn't help here, but for the moment it's not worse than the messy last year of Sun. Let's see.
Are you saying NetBeans supports a fork of JSR-295? It's clear from
the disclaimer, that NetBeans 7 won't support (the unfinished!) Swing
App Framework for much longer: "Note that JSR-296 (Swing Application
Framework) is no longer developed and will not become part of the
official Java Development Kit as was originally planned. You can still
use the Swing Application Framework library as it is, but no further
development is expected."
SAF is a different matter. With all the respect for people who designed and implemented it and for people who are maintaining (and using) the fork, Sun committed a huge strategy mistake here. Instead of developing SAF, Sun should have rather pushed better the NetBeans Platform. Compared with SAF, the NetBeans Platform is dramatically more powerful and expandable. SAF has got an advantage, in that it's simpler to learn, but it will lead you only up to a certain point. Rather than working on SAF, Sun should have rather worked in making it easier to use the NetBeans Platform (you can create a stripped down version of the Platform that it's not much harder than SAF; I'm not talking of forking, just of packaging stuff and providing documentation - again, I can list myself as one of the persons to blame, because it's a topic I've discussed a long in the past, but I was completely unable to contribute anything more than words). BTW, I'm talking about 2007, and at the time the NetBeans Platform wasn't considered an official product, but only a secondary side-effect of the NetBeans IDE - in the following years, Sun actually started to focus and invest more into the NetBeans Platform, and Oracle is doing the same (since more than one year the NetBeans Platform is an official product).

So, to me it appears consistent that now SAF support is abandoned in the IDE and all resources are focused on the Platform.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people

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