This may be redundant in Java and I am aware of the assignment vs
comparison problem in C/C++. The result of an assignment is the value
assigned. The only time when it would be a problem in a comparison in
Java is for a boolean
value because the assignment is a boolean expression but a boolean
value cannot be null anyway and also it is preferred to use the
boolean variable or a negation of it directly in the if statement. C/C+
+ doesn't have  a true boolean type and if statements happily work on
numeric types or pointers which can be treated as numeric types.

The practice of using if (null == value) may be redundant in Java but
I remember getting into a discussion about how it was still relevant
in .net by virtue of implicit cast behaviour making the result more
unpredictable in .net than Java. Presumably I would guess it would be
if some type has a null value and an implicit cast exists to cast a
value of that type to a boolean value including when it is null but
that to me seems like a very narrow fringe case (and also potentially
an argument against custom implicit casts perhaps).

On May 3, 3:55 pm, Cédric Beust ♔ <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:16 AM, Kevin Wright <>wrote:
> > There was a code style which stated null checks should have taken the
> >> form of if (null == variable) which coming from Java I said was
> >> unnecessary however it turns out that due to .net support for implicit
> >> casts there are some fringe cases where if (variable == null) will
> >> behave differently to if (null == variable) apparently. Most of the
> >> developers used if (variable == null) though in spite of the coding
> >> standard because it was more intuitive.
> > I think this originates with checks against literal values instead of
> > against null when using value instead of reference equality.
> No, I think this comes from the fact that C++ allows assignments in
> expressions, therefore you can write:
> if (a = NULL) ...
> when you actually mean
> if (a == NULL) ...
> Reversing the arguments avoids this pitfall. Obviously, this is not
> necessary in Java.
> --
> Cédric

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