As Steven Herod linked to, here's Richard Bairs (Java Client
Architect) response (see the last comment):

Cay, I have to agree! Which is why we have not developed a windows
version in isolation of everything else — or even first!. I develop
only on a Mac, and have done so for the past 3 years. As many
developers here work on Mac as work on Windows, and a number are on
Linux. Gerard Ziemski, who designed the initial version of Glass (our
windowing layer replacing AWT) works only on a Mac and writes and
maintains the Cocoa code. The first platform Glass came up on was a
Mac, and was subsequently ported on Windows (and differences between
Mac and Windows were at that time worked through). The guys working on
the windows version are also the AWT maintainers who for years have
wanted another go at it to fix the problems of AWT. We’re really very
well versed in these problems :-) .

As for media, it sounds like there is some documentation which needs
addressing. We are using gstreamer for the media framework, which as
I’m sure you are aware is really quite widely adopted and works well
on multiple platforms.

Now, I’m not prepared to make a statement on timetables or on why the
windows 32-bit is the only one released at this first beta. But do
bear in mind, we’re releasing a new beta build every 2 weeks. This
isn’t a release candidate! It is a snapshot in time which represents a
certain level of development and a certain level of testing.

-- Jonathan

On May 31, 1:36 pm, Cédric Beust ♔ <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Steven Herod <>wrote:
> > This may also help out on the cross platform question:
> >
> Yes, in the sense that the answer is "Not at the moment and we can't tell
> you when".
> Obviously, we can't know if Oracle is being truthful when they say that
> JavaFX will be cross platform at some undetermined time in the future, but
> we can definitely draw some conclusions from the fact that they chose to
> release a Windows-only version first: this is the clear sign that the
> development process of JavaFX is not multi platform.
> Which should be a concern to everyone with an interest in that field and
> quite reminiscent of the disaster that happened with AWT fifteen years ago.
> Myself, I just can't understand why there's still even a tiny amount of
> people who are interested in JavaFX after Sun proved for fifteen years that
> they just weren't very good at this UI framework stuff.
> --
> Cédric

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