On May 31, 2011, at 8:07 PM, Cédric Beust ♔ wrote:

> Ah right, I remember that.
> While I agree it's an improvement over listeners, I still think that this 
> kind of binding 1) couples your view and your model too strongly and 2) 
> creates n*m connections, which is a lot of overhead.
> For example, if you want to bind two text fields to two different variables 
> (say a status bar and a window title), you now have four connections to 
> maintain and walk through every time something changes. And obviously, your 
> tool had better support refactoring (especially renaming) or deciding to 
> rename varName to something else might lead to events becoming suddenly lost.
> I still think that the local software bus approach is much more powerful and 
> solves these two problems: 1) No more coupling between view and model, the 
> only hub is the message bus, and 2) it creates n+m connections instead of n*m.
+1, listeners grab what they need and ignore the rest

> The downside is that both publishers and subscribers need to have a handle on 
> that bus, but we know how to solve this pretty effectively today, both from a 
> code organization and architectural standpoint.

name space management is the big problem.

> I discussed this in longer details in this blog post some time ago. My code 
> has become dramatically simpler whenever I replaced listeners with a local 
> bus.



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