> In fact this post really highlighted to me how restrictive the approach is! 
> Forget writing an app that can adapt to different inputs dynamically!!! You 
> have to pick memory size first.  No wonder java is only serious for server 
> side stuff.

I was going to point out the same thing, how really lots of these
little things contributed to Java being such an underachiever on the
desktop. It's fair enough to allow hints to be passed along as tweaks
from the outside world for when it's needed, but the default behavior
of a *managed* runtime, should obviously *not* be to blow up when
Moore's law transcends policies of the past. And don't even get me
started on PermGen!

I've never run into these things when using Mono or .NET, the runtime
is no more different than a native application in this aspect. The GC
is expected to do the best job it can within the confines of available
memory as regulated by the underlying OS.

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