Not all GMail subscribers but a large chunk of them.

There are 4 reasons I am aware of for an email account to start bouncing.

1 a simple transmission error which some times happens.
2 An ISP blocks out a domain because it generates so much email traffic it lands on somebody's' Spam list: for example

3 A person closes out their email address for any number of reasons and forgets to un-subscribe from mailing lists. 4 A person gets a large amount of emails in their inbox for example and then doesn't check for a period of time. So long in fact their mail box gets filled up and can't accept any more messages.

In the past year Microsoft based email addresses were effected and we have never totally recovered from that particular loss.

So we're down under 550 now where yesterday we were over 700 if you can believe it.

This is my continued effort to keep you out there informed as to what is going on behind the seen. Believe me it is not all that exciting most of the time.

-----Original Message----- From: Scorpio
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] memo for the group

David, was this with all G-mail users, or just some of them.

I'm using G-mail for the Jaws Users list, but I still received your message,
which leads me to assume that I'm still on the list.

Can you confirm?


-----Original Message----- From: David Ferrin
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 6:54 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] memo for the group

We have been hit in the past by email providers bouncing messages from this
domain, but today ranks as the worst in our history. We lost 162 members
today just under 25% of our total subscribers. Almost all of them were using
GMail with a couple of other ISPs thrown in for good measure.

We have never had a problem with GMail before but they sure made up for it
this morning.

If anybody has contact with one of the people who have been removed ask them
to contact GMail if they can and ask this domain be placed on their white
list or whatever they happen to call it.

A few more days like this and there won’t be much of a point in going on.

I remember as a little boy my dad saying you can’t fight city hall. In this
case you can’t fight being black listed.
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
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