Sometimes, you need to refresh the screen also.  In complex spreadsheets,
particularly if you are editing a lot, the screen gets cluttered and you
need to hit Ins plus Esc which redraws the screen and often clears up these
kinds of problems.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ann Byrne
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Excel problems with Jaws

A partial solution is to use goto for selecting text.  Either f5 or
control-g gives you the go to dialog box.  Then enter what you want to
select.  For example if you want to select rows 1 through ten, you would
type f5, then 1:10.  You can select contiguous cells, joining them with
colon as above, or non-contiguous cells, joining them with comma.

I would have thought that unloading and reloading JAWS would straighten
things out when you're trying to read, though.  Excel is hard for JAWS,
being so densely formatted, but usually unload/reload unscrambles it.

Good luck!

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