My kid's computer, which is now running Windows 7, had a simillar issue with coming out of sleep. A week or so after upgrading from Vista to Windows 7, Windows Update decided there was a better video driver available and performed an automatic update. With the new generic driver, it would switch to a screen resolution that the hardware did not support! I had to retreive the best available video driver for that model on the Dell website and install it. Additionally, I needed to hide that suggestion to update the driver again in Windows Update. Point is perhaps installing a better video driver will do the trick. Don Marang

There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I am working on things that matter.
Dean Kamen

From: "Jo Luland" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 5:18 PM
To: <>

Hi All, Thanks for all your suggestions. Well, I tried power options and FS also checked to see that they were set to "never". I'm not sure this is a JAWS issue, though, but when I leave the computer for awhile, it just stays where it is. Yesterday, A friend came to see if she could help. When she tried to use the mouse, it, too, didn't work. We had to turn it off in order for her to use the mouse. Today, I did what FS suggested, leave narrator running to see if it was still there. It wasn't. Neither was NVDA. When this happens the screen is dark, but my friend could see that the computer was on. This is a brand new computer with Windows 7 and I don't have any idea what I can do next. I'll give FS another try to see if anyone can come up with a solution or a suggestion. I'm wondering if it's a Windows issue. Again, thanks to all who responded.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Rawls" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:19 PM

When you leave the computer, is your computer going to sleep? if that's the case, when you come back to the computer, jaws wouldn't speak unless you woke your computer up. Go into power management, and set your computer the way you want, so that it doesn't go to sleek. For me, I set that to never, so my computer doesn't go to sleep or shut down, until I tell it too. Just a thought. Jim

From: "Jo Luland" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:05 AM
To: <>

Hi All, For some time now, I've been having a problem with JAWS and windows 7. JAWS would be fine for a time, but for no reason, would no longer speak. Whenever I left the computer for a while, I would get no speech no matter what I did; so I just turned off the computer. FS worked with me, but after three tries, it still remains the same. I uninstalled JAWS and then reinstalled it again. Now, I can't get it to come up no matter what I do. I installed NVDA which is somewhat helpful, but because I'm not too familiar with that program, I'm not getting anywhere. What is the correct setting for AUTOMATICALLY START JAWS? I've tried all combinations with the buttons, but no luck so far. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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