Hi Leonard,

Below are several notes from various list members on saving cookies when 
running CCleaner.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: j sears
I need to figure out how to exclude some cookies from being deleted in c 
cleaner so I can log in to these sites automatically each time. Can someone 

From: Immigrant
First, I would recommend to close your browser, run cCleaner and get rid of 
all cookies. Then, restart your browser and visit each site where you want 
log in automatically, and log in on those sites. This way, you will have 
fewer cookies to deal with, most of them will be the cookies you need. 
you would have a long list of cookies, most of them unnecessary. After you 
log in on your relevant sites, open cCleaner again. Tab to "options" and 
spacebar. Then, tab to "cookies" and press spacebar. Tab to "cookies to 
delete" list box. With the up and down arrow, navigate through the list to 
and highlight a cookie you want to keep (some sites will have more than 
one). You will recognize the cookies by the site name. When you find the 
cookie, tab once and press spacebar on the button. This will transfer the 
cookie from "cookies to delete" into "cookies to keep" list. Then, shift tab
into the list of cookies and repeat the process with the next cookie, and do 
so until all your relevant cookies are transferred. (If you tab more, the
next control would be the button transferring a cookie from the keeping list 
to the deletion list, and then the keeping list, where you can check if all
your cookies that you want are there.) The first time you visit a site with 
a saved cookie, you may still be prompted to log in, but after that, 
should work. Hope this helps.

There is a tree view of options. Uncheck cookies.

Chris Hallsworth

Unchecking cookies in the tree view will result in all cookies, not only the 
relevant ones, being kept.


From: "Lennie" <
Hi Dale,

There is a way to save cookies that you don't want CCleaner to
remove. I hope that the following steps is easy to follow:

1. Start CCleaner
2. Press the  Analyze button
Note: You might not have to run the analysis to get to the list of cookies
3. after the analysis is complete, Tab until you find the option
button and press enter
4. tab until you find cookies and press enter
5. With the Jaws cursor, arrow down until you find a cookie and then
root PC cursor to Jaws cursor
6. Arrow through the list until you find the cookie that you want to keep
7. Press the application key and press enter on keep
8. Repeat for any other cookies that you want to keep
9. Tab to the list of excluded cookies and you should read the
cookies that will not be removed.

If you kept the wrong cookie, while in the excluded cookies
list,press the application key and arrow down to remove and press enter

I sure hope that these steps are correct and will work for you.

Hope this helps. Take care,

 From: Immigrant

1. Open cCleaner.
2. Tab to Options and press Spacebar.
3. It will seem like nothing is happening, but the options tab will actually 
get expanded. Tab some more until you find the "cookies" option. Press 

4. Tab some more until you reach the next group of controls. The first 
control is "cookies to delete". If you arrow up and down in that list, you 
find all the cookies you have. When you highlight a cookie you want to keep, 
tab once, and your screen reader may prompt you to something like a dash 
a greater sign. If you press spacebar, the cookie you highlighted will be 
transferred from "cookies to delete" to "cookies to keep".
5. If you tab one or two more times, you will see the "cookies to keep" 
list. If you highlight a cookie from that list and shift tab once, you will 
a control which your screen reader may see as a less sign with a dash. 
Pressing spacebar on that button will transfer the highlighted cookie from 
to keep" to "cookies to delete" list.
6. Note: If you have a lot of cookies in the "cookies to delete" list, if 
the list seems long and confusing and you are not sure which cookie you need
or it is long and tedious to find the needed cookies among dozens or 
hundreds on the list, run the program and delete all cookies first. Then, go 
on each
site whose cookies you want. Log in if necessary, so that the login 
information would be saved in the cookie. Then, open cCleaner again, and 
this time
you will see that your list of cookies to delete is much shorter and most 
cookies in it are the ones relevant for you, so you can go ahead and keep 
cookies you need, using the instructions in this message. Hope this helps.

Hope 1 of these helped you.  Take care.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: leonard morris
  To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
  Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 7:19 PM
  Subject: [JAWS-Users] cccleaner and keeping IE cookies

  I have not ran cccleaner in a while and I forgot when I want to make sure 
  cookies are not deleted should I check cookies or not? None of the items 
  checked by default.

  For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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