
Thanks for your reply, I agree with you 100%, and I do not expect everyone on this list to have the same degree of knowledge when it comes to computers and working with softwares that are at best, merely retrofitted to meet the needs of blind people. I want everyone to know, that I need just as much help with somethings as anyone else, and that I am always willing to lend a helping hand wherever I can. I first joined this list and a couple more similar ones to be able to learn some of the things that I did not understand, and it has been a great resource for me. But, I get the greatest reward from this and other lists by teaching someone else how to accomplish their goals. I post my email address at the bottom of every message that I write, and it is my hope that anyone needing help with something will contact me on or off list. I do not know it all, and if it is a subject that I am unfamiliar with, I will say so right up front, but will still try to head someone in the right direction to get their questions answered. If I do know the subject, then I will stick with the person to the very end to get them to where they feel like their inquiry has been answered. So, to everyone on the list, please do not hesitate to ask for my help with any questions that you might have, I promise that you will get no less than my honesty, and perhaps the answer that you were looking for.

Best to all,

-----Original Message----- From: Mike B.
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 6:34 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] malwarebytes 2.0315!

Hi Mike & List Members,

Please don't assume that people don't try!  I tried very hard to make MWb
Pro work for me but, no matter what keystrokes or individual keys I pressed
I could not get Premium to take a schedule for a scan or updating.  Also, I
could not get it to accept my licensing info.  I have 2 licenses available &
it wouldn't take either 1.  I emailed MWB support & I was doing exactly as
they said but, no go!  I worked on the program for several days, at least 2
hours per day, & just could not get to do what I needed it to do for me so,
back to 1.75 I went.  Please don't assume, whether it's me or anyone else,
that because we have complained about its accessibility that we've expected
something for nothing or that there was very little if any, effort put into
trying to make this program work.  The build I was working in was,, & if 2.0315 is a newer release then I need to give it another
go.  Also, I've never had any problems with Vipre but, these list's are
comprised of many people with varying levels of Jaws / computer skills but,
with this list having somewhere around 700 members & at tops probbably
around 10% that actually participate.  Many people read the messages & learn
a great deal but, are afraid to write the list because they feel embarrassed
to ask questions that might be easy for you or I but, are afraid of replies
that tell them they aren't trying hard enough or.....

I get many such emails off list stating this very fact.  I've said since
becoming a member of this list that, The  only stupid question, is the
question that isn't asked, & long time members of this list can attest to
the fact that I used to ask some of the most easiest of questions but, this
was due to me not ever having any training & was trying to learn on my own.
This list got me a long ways & I'll be forever grateful for it, & its

If you have tips on navigating a program, please post them.  A little shove
in the right direction is a whole lot better than a.....

Those list members that feel embarrassed to ask question, don't be.  That's
what this list is here for, help!  I'm sorry for the rant but, AH, I feel
better now.  LOL

Take care.
This email was sent from my, iBarstool.

----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Boyd
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] malwarebytes 2.0315!


Malware Bytes 2.0315 is the initial release that everyone is calling simply
2.03. When you open the program, and tab down to the Dashboard item, you can
then left or right arrow through the different tabs, and then tab down in
each tab to change your settings, schedule your scans, etc. Like the 2015
version of Vipre, we are not just saying that it is accessible to get other
people to download and install it, these programs are accessible just the
way they are. Sonetimes one has to do a little work and investigating to
figure these things out. One cannot expect to have everything handed to them
on a plate expecting it to work in a perfectly accessible manner. Everyone
should put out a little  effort and try to make these programs work for
them. I do not know everyone's story on this list, but I lived for 45 years
with my sight, then had to adapt to living without it, and just as in my
profession as an engineer before, I am still finding ways to do the things
that sometimes seem undoable to most people, and the first rule is that one
cannot take things at face value, but must look at them from every angle to
find the opening to the solution. I realize that Mike B's friend Mr Cusson
is working diligently to try to get the Vipre development team to change the
program to be "shout in your face" accessible, but this is not always
required. I have a friend at Malware Bytes, William Roland, who kept me up
to date on the progress of the release of version 2.0315, and he notified me
when it was released, asking me to evaluate it and send back any further
comments concerning the accessibility of the program. I had about 4 items to
report back to him about, and was promised that these would be addressed in
the next release. I also told him that, for the most part, the program is
plenty accessible for a blind person to use. Please know that I am willing
to help anyone who cannot get these programs to work for them, it only takes
a little direction to get someone headed down the right path.


-----Original Message----- From: Gerald Levy
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:32 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] malwarebytes 2.0315!

This sounds like a minor update, so how is this version more accessible than
version 2.0.3, which is not very accessible at all, contrary to what some
users have reported.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Edenhofer" <bob.edenho...@gmail.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:39 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] malwarebytes 2.0315!

Also the latest version of malwarebytes, whitch is 2.0315, is accessible
with screenreaders! I just wanted to inform everyone.
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