using Word 2010, I am wanting to make an envelope to mail something but something puzzles me. I can type out the delivery address just fine, and when it gets printed, I get someone to take a look at it and they tell me it looks funny.
but when I use the insert+f on the delivery address edit box I hear:
black on white,
Mixed font,
Mixed style,
Line spacing: Single,
Paragraph formatting: Aligned left.

I know how to set the font size and text/background color, but what about "mixed font" and "mixed style". where are these adjusted, or can they be adjusted? why is the point size not being reported as 14 as I've set it, or why is the font name not being reported as Ariel?

is this a failing of Word 2010, or is there a JAWS quick setting that needs to be tweaked?

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