I don't off hand have a suggestion so far as the logon screen is concerned, but there is something you could try assuming you are not using a login password on your system. Just put an icon in your startup folder and your system will come up talking. It will take longer since this procedure is further down in the startup routine, but it does work I assure you.

-----Original Message----- From: Kelby Carlson
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 5:19 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS at Log-on Screen

I have a problem that Freedom Scientific tech support has been totally unable to help me with.

I installed JAWS 17 with my SMA, and then uninstalled the old version of JAWS 16 because it was now redundant. But now, when I go into the basics options dialogue and then the "automatically start JAWS" sub-dialogue, I activate all of the options for starting JAWS at the log-on screen. However, when I press okay in both dialogues and go back in, the boxes have been unchecked. I have done several repair installations (including a complete uninstall and reinstall), complete virus scans and have fully updated my Windows OS. None of this has helped, and support has had no other suggestions. (To be perfectly honest, they have rarely been able to help with my more specific questions.) Does anyone else have suggestions as to what I can try next?

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