Hi Wayne,
Are you working on this document on a desktop or laptop? Does this
behavior happen in other places besides word? If this document is
being composed on a desktop computer and a mouse is connected, I would
try removing the mouse temporarily to see if this behavior subsides or
place it in a position where it will not be touched.
If this document is being composed on a laptop one item which comes to
mind is that perhaps you are inadvertently touching the touch pad?
This is usally down near the bottom of the keyboard and will cause the
position of the cursor to move. Most laptops have an option that
allows for the touch pad to be disabled.
I hope this helps

On 7/20/16, wayne smith <waynesoundsm...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I need some of you big brains!  I have an MS Word 2007 doc that is about
> 250
> pages long.  At some points when I write the text sometimes it appears in
> the middle of a different paragraph from the one I am working on.  This
> happens often but it seems to be inconsistent.  I am using JAWS 15.  Any
> thoughts would be welcome.
> Wayne
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