The times I most often encounter this problem are when I've copied text from 
other sources into a document. Word inserts code that I can't always isolate 
and identify. For example, I may have what looks like a two-return break, but 
when I delete what I assume is one of the return characters, it remains a 
two-line break. Sometimes I figure out that the culprit is the character called 
a vertical tab. I wish I could search for that character and replace it, but I 
haven't worked out how to, despite having done some online research. 

In any event, once an errant code enters a document, it can cause JAWS to 
behave unpredictably. I'm in the habit now of checking each time I start 
inserting text into the middle of a document.

Sometimes I refresh the screen with JAWS key+escape. I'm not sure if that 
solves the problem, but I do think the action causes JAWS to pause and take a 
breather. JAWS does have a tendency to get hyperactive.

JAWS 17, Win7, no braille display.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of The Iowa Gal
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MS Word text moving on its own

Hi there,

Just a few days ago I had this happen as I was writing a short document in Note 
Pad. I'm running Jaws 16.0.4468 on a Win 7 PC, no braille display. 
I don't recall if I tried this, but perhaps unloading and reloading Jaws might 


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Kimber Gardner
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MS Word text moving on its own


I'm afraid this is not very helpful, but I know exactly what you are talking 
about because it has happened to me too and not just in Word. I've had the same 
thing happen in Outlook. I'll be typing along then when I go back to proof what 
I've written, I sometimes find portions of my text in a completely different 
paragraph or line from where I intended. 

I haven't been able to figure out any pattern regarding when this occurs making 
it sort of random which is why I have never mentioned it on the list.
I had a half-baked theory that I was inadvertently hitting some key on my 
Braille display that was causing the cursor to jump, but I just don't know.
Are you using a Braille display when this text jumping happens to you?

If anyone else has seen this behavior, I'd like to hear about your experience. 
Maybe we can figure out what's going on and report it to FS or whatever the 
heck they're calling themselves these days. <grin>


Sent from Kimber's iPad

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 4:54 PM, wayne smith 
> <>
> I need some of you big brains!  I have an MS Word 2007 doc that is 
> about 250 pages long.  At some points when I write the text sometimes 
> it appears in the middle of a different paragraph from the one I am 
> working on.  This happens often but it seems to be inconsistent.  I am 
> using JAWS 15.  Any thoughts would be welcome.
> Wayne
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