marc fleury wrote:

> I was planning on putting a reference to the "container" ie. the repository
> of chain configuration, IN the invocation itself.  You then have a self
> describing invocation.  The rugged interceptor can then come and say
> "alright little fella, give me the tx tag you want" big schmellll! 2 links
> instead of one, and no lookup in there.


> again abstract the end-point into a "chain" it is a different beast where
> the identity is the sum of mbeans, that "container" is really the repository
> of the path for a given logical type of flow.  EJB has little reality in
> this approach, it only exists as a temporary list of interceptors and
> plugins.

Alright, I'm cool with that.

BTW, this notion is extremely similar to some meta-physics theories, 
which I find to be very amusing. :-) Funny how real-life concepts tends 
to finds its way into programming.

> I also think the real problem is in the nature of this beast, too disruptive
> a view.  I am ok with dealing with it, but I think that for most people the
> real interceptor chain is "reassuring" also as in its first incarnation, I
> doubt it will bring more functionality, you will find resistence in the
> brains to "let go" and really go with this detyped/stateless/dynamic/shared
> flow system view of the world.  It is fundamentally a SYSTEM view, really
> what JBoss is all about these days.  Where there was a reassuring
> "container" we now have a new beast, lightweight and dynamic with very
> little reality.

Yeah, now we're talking! It is always frightening to let go of adopted 
beliefs, but boy is the rush worth it ;-) Maybe for JBoss 4 then...

> I think that an application such as a rule engine dynamically scripting the
> flow of invocation *graphically* where you can see your flow, will be a
> proof, but we really are far from that at this point.  So for the 4th time
> today, let's try to keep the religiousness of this discussion in a pure
> "academic" world, since I won't code it this week.
> I would really like to code for the rest of the day...
> can I go ?

You're excused. Go code. I'm glad you "got" the above though.


Rickard Öberg

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