marc fleury wrote:

> hmmmm you have been pushing this RDF thingy for the past months, if it does
> indeed allow for a "one file" admin, it might be worth it.  Right now we are
> going exactly the opposite way with the full file split across many little
> files, possibly in sars... interesting

Well, namespaces can be used with or without RDF. It's just a very nice 
way to get multiple aspects of a particular element into one XML file 
without element name clashes. Simple too.

> |Do take time to look into Aspect Oriented Programming if you have time.
> |Volume 44/Issue 10 of Communications of the ACM
> |(
> |ACM&idx=J79&part=magazine&WantType=Magazines&title=CACM)
> |have lots of great articles on the subject, and there are lots of
> |parallels with how JBoss works already.
> Yes, Aspect programming is the compilation heavy approach by PARC to
> "meta-programming".  

To be precise, AspectJ is the compilation heavy approach. Aspect 
Oriented Programmin in general is more of a philosophy that can be 
implemented in numerous ways, the interceptor architecture of JBoss 
being one of them. The interceptors in JBoss fit really well with the 
notion of aspects in AOP.

> If you read this carefully you see that scripting is
> probably the middle ground between compilation heavy PARC and XML light EJB.
> Research but there is really no reason why intercepting mbeans wouldn't be
> close to it.

Yes, scripting will make it easier to insert aspect join points. Good 
point. To me it seems like AspectJ has this scripting aspect to it, 
although it uses pre-runtime compilation to get it into bytecode.


Rickard Öberg

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