>on 1-12-05 22.44, Bill Burke at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>So do we :
>- create a demo folder ?
>    ( jboss-all/demo, jboss-3.0.0alpha/demo )
>    ( have some deploy by default
>        or 
>      from there be able to do manual deploy drops )
That makes sense. actually I think they should all deploy on install. 
Anyone who wants to place something in the / context could just undeploy 
the "demoapp.ear" or whatever we call it.

>- and add a DemoUnitTestSuite ?

That makes sense too. So in my mind what is needed is:

1) some entity beans with CMR
2) MDB
3) MBean ??? Maybe... since there are so many in the system now does 
this even make sense?
4) JMX
5) A couple simple web apps (or one really) that just uses all this 
stuff. Which means some session beans, JSP's... yadda yadda.
6) ??? Since Jboss3 uses jetty 4 which is servlet 2.3 Compliant should 
we do any demos of servlet stuff like filters? By the way it (J4) works 
with the jakarta JSPTL. which is pretty cool.

Im busy as heck this week finishing up an article for JavaWorld 
(coincidentally I am using Jboss 3 for my examples in the article (CMP 2 
beans)) But I could potentially work on this by Friday. We should 
probably iron out just what we need. (above and beyond 1-5 above)

I honestly dont see much sense in including things like javamail or such.

Marc.... has anyone started working on dukes bank on Jboss 3? We could 
potentially deploy that also (in addition to the petstore) no? I can fit 
some work on that in this weekend if noone else is already looking at it. 

>I can think of two demos now : namely snoop.jsp and includeEJB.jsp that both
Yeap, those were the only errors in the jetty tests though on a positive 
note :)


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