> It is now coming back to me, someone in the london training (was
> it you sacha?) was pushing for "unix levels" you know rc.0 ->
> rc.6 as a way to define dependency in a lose fashion, that was
> actually pretty good and allows for different files of configuration.

No, I guess it was one of the German guy at the front (sorry... don't
remember his name.. he found a bug in the cache or something like this the
last training day)

And the 5 cents question was: "How many unix levels do we have in common

And playing with jboss-levels could also solve (once levels are properly
defined) Bill's issue: how to start a mbean once everything (services, ejb,
...) is started. We could have such a level.

But IMHO, while simple, unix-like levels doesn't seem to be the nicest
feature I've ever seen... a bit tricky... maybe that's just me... In that
case, why not simply creating subdirectories in the deploy folder and start
their content depending on the name of the directory (well... almost like

In fact, on a different topic, when you were speaking about classloaders
"partitions" (to be able to load different classes versions with the same
full name in different applications), I was thinking we could simply create
sub-directories in /deploy: each would be a "partition" for the classloader
i.e. everything dropped in a sub-directory is not shared/viewed by other
sub-directories (i.e. partitions).

=> both solutions (subfolder for unix-level and subfolder for CL partitions)
are not possible at the same time....

bla bla bla.



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