> On the other hand, I think quite a few people have
> said it was confusing at
> first and useful when they got used to it.

It's **killer** stuff, when you are trying to do advanced dependency deployment, but 
we will not force it on un-suspicious newbies and those used to the simple 2.x 

i think it is pretty clear in my mind, we will present the EXACT SAME FACE (that is 
what I am working on) as the simple jcml stuff even though under the cover it is your 
stuff running, let's put a smiley face on that stuff, it looks the same, it behaves 
better, and when it needs to be more powerful (hotdeploy of kernel modules) it is 
there to do the trick, 

that is the way I want it.

> I think this is an obsolete antique.

yes, ok I will remove it

> Yes.  The current situation is way less than ideal.
> I want a deployment
> script functionality and pretty much deprecate
> autodeploy.  If you want
> several configurations, you could have several conf
> dirs, and for each a
> separate deploy dir with the stuff to autodeploy.

ok I will again go to your defense (against yourself it seems).  THE SITUATION IS 
IDEAL, I will take back my criticism, except a few things you removed, we can have 
pretty much everything I explained in my previous email so that Bill/Luke are happy, 
and the one difference with the current situation is that *IT WILL BE THE PREFERED WAY 
TO DO IT* :).  This discussion is not a code discussion (except as a said a few minor 
points your code removed) but the code is core, is there, and I know how to put a 
friendly prefered face on it, so I will and we will be IN THE BEST SITUATION POSSIBLE 

> Doesn't matter.  I'd use a sar for a package that
> doesn't need it's mbeans
> reconfigured frequently and you't like to keep
> everything together, and a
> service.xml for things under development.

exactly from our code standpoint *it doesn't matter* since the code you put there 
covers all cases, these guys are asking for the default configuration and a prefered 
way to do it, that much is what we are talking about and that much is crystal clear in 
my mind.I will solve this in 3minutes flat.


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