I have added support for deployment of unpackaged J2EE modules,
EARs, EJB-JARs and WARs to the 2.4 branch for inclusion in the
2.4.4 release. This goes from the current extreme of copying everything
to NO copies of anything. The J2EE module must be completely unpackaged.
An EAR must have the modules referred to by the META-INF/application.xml
descriptor as unpackaged EJB-JARs and WARs. The only jars allowed are
those referred to by module manifest Class-Path attributes. Because these
not copied, you could see problems on redeployment if you update the module
Class-Path jars and they redeploy the module by touching/updating its
deployment descriptor.

To enable deployment of an upackaged module add its directory to the
AutoDeployer URLs attribute. The following G:/pkgs/eartest.ear entry:

  <mbean code="org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer" name="EJB:service=AutoDeployer">
    <attribute name="Deployers">

Is an upackaged ear that contains an upackaged eartest.jar EJB-JAR and an
upackaged eartest.war WAR:

eartest.ear 921>ls
META-INF/  eartest.jar/  eartest.war/

I'll put out a new 2.4.4 beta tomorrow with this capability included to
allow for
additional testing.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

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