On Sun, 9 Dec 2001, Scott M Stark wrote:

> [snip]

> I'll put out a new 2.4.4 beta tomorrow with this capability included to
> allow for
> additional testing.

It's past tomorrow, yet no release(no rush, this isn't the point of my mail).
I'm really anticipating using the new feature of deploying unpacked ears,
wars, and jars.

Have you given thought to better versioning of the releases?  For example:

2.4.3 < 2.4.4 < 2.4.4beta

Ie, 2.4.4beta is a higher version string than 2.4.4, according to dpkg.  I
don't know rpm's version compare, but my gut instinct says it's done the same
way.  Could anyone confirm?  (this is a minor point, I can deal with it as it
currently is)

To make the 2.4.4beta work in Debian's system, I have to call it:

Where is the upstream version, and -1 is the local Debian

This version string is ugly, at best.

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