
On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Sacha Labourey wrote:

> Servlet container implications
> ==============================
> As we exchange an HttpSession object between the servlet container and the
> EJB, it needs to be Serializable. Consequently, a new interface has been
> defined:
>       public interface SerializableHttpSession
>         extends javax.servlet.http.HttpSession,
>                 java.io.Serializable
>       {
>          public boolean areAttributesModified (SerializableHttpSession
> previousVersion);
>       }
> This interface makes sure we have a HttpSession compatible interface that is
> Serializable. Furthermore, a method has been introduce that ask the
> HttpSession to decide when 2 sessions are differents. As indicated in the
> Javadoc, this method should *not* check all data (such as the last access
> time). This in order to reduce the cluster communication (more on this in
> the JavaDoc comments of the JMX Service)

Are you going to use this interface to decide if you need to re-replicate
the httpsession on other nodes? If this is the case consider having a
method that returns a list of modified attributes keys, thus enabling you
to replicate only what you actually need to replicate rather then
replicating whole httpsession again. You can also I guess use the method
to check if httpsession is changed i.e:

((changed == true) == attributeChanged.size()>0)


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