Don't have a good answer for ya.  Perhaps include th parent deployable 
name when nesting?  Else shouldn't the file system namespace cover 
uniquness for deployables?


David Jencks wrote:

>On 2002.02.22 18:59:02 -0500 Jason Dillon wrote:
>>I don't *think* there is any need for this to be in the ObjectName.  It 
>>looks like it would be better suited for an Attribute of the Deployment 
>>object (or whatever they are called).
>>If we want to keep this, then I think an attriibute should be used for 
>>full path and have the ON use only the filename.
>How do you assure uniqueness? nothing stops you from deploying lots of jars
>all with the same file name, even within one ear.  I'm definitely open to
>suggestions, however I would like to easily identify what application a
>mbean represents.
>btw I fixed this by replacing all : with % and including the protocol
>david jencks
>>Adrian Brock wrote:
>>>Yet again the windows file url rears it ugly head :-)
>>>This time it is in EJBDeployer.
>>>The ejbmodule has had it's ObjectName changed to
>>>include the url.getPath();
>>>On windows this url is
>>>The : means the ObjectName is invalid and nothing deploys :-(
>>>Is this data informational? Can we just strip the
>>>drive part?
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