
I am using JBoss 3.0.0beta2(200204150942) on Win2k SP2.
The function tableExists in this class makes the following jdbc call:
rs = dmd.getTables(con.getCatalog(), null, tableName, null);

I am using DB2 as dbms, and this piece of code will not work if tableName contains a 
prefix. Indeed, I have to configure my jbosscmp-jdbc.xml ejb/table mappings like that:
to get the SQL statements work properly with DB2. But then the tableExists method will 
always return false since it takes MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE as tableName.

Is there an easy way to set a tablename prefix or even a schema name in 
jbosscmp-jdbc.xml ? Right now, I think I will have to patch my own code, but I believe 
many people out there using DB2 or Oracle might encounter the same problem.


* * *

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