I have a problem with the logic described in this bug. If A does not
depend on B then its deployment should not be affected in any
way by a failed deployment of B, the dependent object for exactly the
reason you discuss. Why should the failure of some connection
mgr dependent end up failing the deployment of the valid DefaultDS?
This makes the entire system a fragile and unecessary coupled mess.

I also have a problem with the behavior of deployment that does not
have the required service class as mentioned in bug 559012. There is
no failure and no timeout so ultimately it is the user that has to tell
you the server is not working.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-563448 ] deployment exceptions cause

> How about deployment returning lists of successfully deployed mbeans,
> mbeans waiting for others, and mbeans that failed deployment?
> Due to the dependency management, many of these mbeans may not be in the
> package just deployed.  To make the original deployer of each mbean get
> notified we will either have to have asynchronous callbacks or
> multithreaded deployment with blocking on missing mbeans.
> Can you write down a list of all the problems you have with the dependency
> system?
> thanks
> david jencks
> On 2002.06.02 01:38:43 -0400 Jason Dillon wrote:
> > Yes, well... the dependency system is flawed in many ways.  We should
> > have
> > to eat exceptions to make it work.
> >
> > Consider command line deployments where if we eat the exception we have
> > no clue
> > if the deploy() op suceeded.  Note this is not limited to command line
> > deployments but really anything that needs to rely on an exception being
> > throw
> > and propagated (not eaten) to detect failure sitations.
> >
> > --jason
> >
> >
> >
> > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> >
> > > Bugs item #563448, was opened at 2002-06-02 02:57
> > > You can respond by visiting:
> > >
> > 22866
> > >
> > > Category: JBossServer
> > > Group: v3.1
> > > Status: Open
> > > Resolution: None
> > > Priority: 5
> > > Submitted By: David Jencks (d_jencks)
> > > Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
> > > Summary: deployment exceptions cause problems
> > >
> > > Initial Comment:
> > > Recently 3.1 and I think 3.0 were modified so that
> > > deployment exceptions propagated out of main deployer.
> > >  This has some questionable consequences in the
> > > presence of mbean dependencies, which was the reason I
> > > hid the exceptions in the first place.
> > >
> > > If mbean B depends on mbean A, but B does not deploy
> > > successfully, then:
> > >
> > > If A is deployed first, it will deploy successfully,
> > > then B can be deployed unsuccessfully.
> > >
> > > However if B is deployed first, it will wait for A.
> > > During the deployment of A, B will be deployed, and the
> > > resulting exception will cause the deployment of A to
> > > fail also.
> > >
> > > For instance, if there is a "undeployable" depending on
> > > the ConnectionManager mbean for DefaultDS, and the
> > > undeployable happens to get deployed before the
> > > ConnectionManager, it will prevent DefaultDS from
> > > deploying, thus breaking large amounts of the system.
> > >
> > > I'm not sure what the best solution to this is.  I
> > > don't think the current state of affairs is desirable,
> > > since a  "rogue" mbean can break any correctly working
> > > mbean by arranging to be deployed first.
> > >
> > > I lean toward having an easily accessible list of
> > > mbeans that can't be deployed and possibly returning a
> > > status code from deployers.
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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