
I want to wrap up the Jetty load balancer as a JBoss service.  However
the load balancer is written using the nio libraries from jdk1.4 (because
why load balance if your bottle neck is a user space java.io threads on
your load balancer).

Can we get optional jdk1.4 support into the build environment?

What I'm doing in jetty is to have a separate src1.4 tree that
only gets compiled if ant can see a jdk.14 compiler.  It get's compiled
into classes1.4 and then an extra org.mortbay.jetty-jdk1.4.jar is built
with the both the normal classes and extra (and replacement) classes from


Greg Wilkins<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                http://www.mortbay.com
Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. AU.                    +61(0)29977 2395
Mort Bay Consulting Limited. England UK.             +44(0)7092063462

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