Ok, when I was doing ECPerf tests, I was trying anything to squeak out
better performance.  Here's where the PooledInvoker came in.  The idea is to
pool connections at the remote client as well as pool threads/connections on
the server side.

So, when a remote client first connects, the server will create a dedicated
thread/connection for that client.  The client will pool the connection
locally for re-use by ANY proxy on the client.  If the client goes away, or
the connection times out, the server will throw away and close the socket,
but pool the thread for later use.  Also, the server's pool is LRU so that
it can manage the size of the pool.  Please check out the code for more
info.  Code is in 3.2 and head under
server/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/pooled.  If you want to know how to use
this, look at the testsuite under pooled/ test.

Now the numbers:

The testsuite spawns 300 threads under 2 scenarios:

1st scenario:
Each thread loops 10 times with the following:
  SLSB slsb = home.create();
So a new proxy is obtained for each invocation.  In this scenario.  The
PooledInvoker is 300% faster than the default RMI Invoker.

2nd scenario:
home.create() is called before launching the benchmark and the SLSB proxy is
passed to each thread.  Each thread loops 10 times calling the noop().  In
this scenario the pooled invokor is 30% faster than the default RMI based

Dain has a customer that is potentially using this new invoker I wrote and
he has suggested that it because the default invoker for 3.2 and higher.
Let me know if you think this is a possibility.



P.S.  This code is extremely more simple than the Trunk Invoker and I've
been told that the Trunk Invoker provides no performance boost.

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