We are miscommunicating.
>In all the mbeans I have written and seen in jboss, aside from
>egregious bugs, if setting an attribute doesn't have an immediate
>effect, it does have the desired effect if you run through the service
>lifecycle (usually stop, start, occasionally stop, destroy, create,
>start). My view is that mbeans in jboss can take advantage of the
>service lifecycle. If you don't want to, make all your attribute
>changes have their effects immediately. All our mbeans are pretty much
>jboss specific and most heavily use the service lifecycle. They just
>won't run without it. I still think it is a really convenient
>extension to vanilla jmx and don't see why we should replace it.
I barely know what the service lifecycle is. I have not used it. I am not
arguing to replace it. I never said that. You said that.
How do I set an attribute correctly, step by step, for a Bean that uses the
service lifecycle?
It helps me to use a state metaphor when considering lifecycle issues. It
sounds like there are several states a lifecycle-oriented bean can be in: destroyed,
created, running. In which state is it safe to set RW attributes on
lifecycle-oriented beans?
Is the following the appropriate way to set values on a lifecycle-oriented
bean (pseudo-code)?
I'm here to learn :)
- Matt
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