> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Dimitris Andreadis
> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:09 PM
> To: jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Xalan removal saga
> Removing javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory or patching 
> it to try invoke the underlying TransformerFactory (if this 
> is possible) which is essentially the same thing, is 
> undesirable because you'll end up with a transformer API and 
> an underlying implementation that may not match
> (correct?)
This is always the case though. Any attempt to override the xsl factory
will be subject to matching the javax.xml.transform.* in effect.

> Removing javax.xml.transform.* is not clear that is safe (I 
> guess because you might have incompatible parser api+impl <-> 
> transformer
> api+impl interactions?)
> Ok, we are doomed :)
There are some xml parser class dependencies in the
javax.xml.transform.dom and javax.xml.transform.sax packages. I just
don't know if the javax.xml.transform.* in jaxp 1.3 can use the 1.2 xml

It's a tradeoff between introducing a xsl parser dependency that the
user may not want vs modifying the TransformerFactory to be more
flexible at the cost of the user potentially have to configure the
TransformerFactory default. I think modifying the TransformerFactory is
the most flexible, but maybe just bundling the xsl parser is the

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