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A new message was posted in the thread "Adding JBoss AS source to a project":

Author  : Denis Golovin
Profile :


> atijms wrote:
> I tried exactly what you said, but it doesn't seem to work. It seems like 
> this only works for directories containing .java files, not for directories 
> containing .jar files.
> When I click on "Edit Source Lookup..." again, then my source directory 
> "jboss-5.1.0.GA-src" has indeed been added, and when I unfold it I can see 
> all directories of the source archive, but unlike the "Default" source lookup 
> path, not a single jar file is listed.
Right, it is solution for JBoss AS only, because they have source distribution 
archive which contains only *.java files inside. Eclipse has no source lookup 
type, that visiting jar files. But you can use Archive or External Archive type 
to configure them. It supports multi selection so it should be easier than 
configuring them one by one 
BTW this External Archive type can be used to configure JBoss AS sources 
without unpacking sources archive.
> atijms wrote:
> I think a big problem regarding JBoss AS sources is that the structure of the 
> source archive is *completely* different from that of the compiled product. 
> For instance, suppose you were looking for the sources of 
> jboss-web-service.jar. This file is located in the binary distribution at 
> /server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/jboss-web-service.jar. There is *no* way 
> the source code location even remotely resembles this. Even if the path would 
> not exactly match (since it's actually 
> /server/*/deploy/jbossweb.sar/jboss-web-service.jar), then still one would 
> expect some file called jboss-web-service-src.jar.
> Again, this is not how the source is organized. Maybe the source of 
> jboss-web-service-src.jar is within an archive located in 
> thirdpary/jboss/foo/bar/kaz-all.jar. You just don't know... and -that- is the 
> problem.
The problem is that JBoss AS sources doesn't include 3rd party sources, I 
guess. It includes only sources that are really compiled during build. If 
something was bundled in as binary dependency, it has no sources inside JBoss 
AS source distribution. To configure source look up for 3rd party jars you need 
to process one jar at time and that can be done when required by using "Attach 
Source..." button.
We have source browser implementation that understands * archives, but 
that in lab component and it is not included in build.


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