User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Adding JBoss AS source to a project":

Author  : Denis Golovin
Profile :

That's what I proposed above. We cannot extend source matching mechanism for 
jar browsing ( at least I spend an hour to find extension point for that in 
JDT). Which means there is only way to configure "Source attachment" for jars 
from Server Classpath container, it is ether have a Server Runtime property 
which points you to zip/folder in local file system which contains sources or 
action/property/whatever which would help to configure it at once for all jars 
in server classpath container.
Current eclipse can handle zips with sources and it will be able to found and 
match any source inside zip, but it doesn't know how to deal with archives 
inside archives. This can be solved by:
1. unpacking all jars/zips with .java files after asking permission from user.
2. by configuring source lookup using lookup type injected through extension 
point. This look up should understand archive sources in file system and 
archived sources in archive.
I remember Rob mentioned plug-in in our lab component which has similar 
functionality and provides source lookup for * files in selected for 
lookup folder. It can be adjusted to look inside *.jar files and after that we 
can handle looking into source archives inside selected source archive or file 
system. How, just by adding two types of source lookups: Eclipse's one for 
sources in external folder and our new one for archives in file system or 
archives inside archive.

Considering all above it looks doable for me 


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