User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Adding JBoss AS source to a project":

Author  : Denis Golovin
Profile :


> wrote:
> If your project is setup to locate sources correctly then any debug launches 
> that refer to that project should also work - if not then please report a bug.
You're both right there is no reason to have source lookup configured if jars 
have attached sources.
> wrote:
> Beyond that the issue here is that JBoss AS should provide a src download 
> that allows for easy matching of jar with source, one way would be if all the 
> artifacts are in Maven repositories then we could attach the source 
> automatically based on the Maven groupid and version.
I couldn't find a way to get sources for jars built with maven using eclipse, I 
think that's a good feature to havein m2eclipse or in JBossTools.


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