OK, getting a bit tired of re-deploying my process every time, I decided to 
peek into the database. Guess what ;-)
select length(condition_)
  | from jbpm_transition
  | where condition_ is not null
only yields a single non-zero value. All other expressions I've set in 
processdefinition.xml did not make it into the database...?!  So: there's many 
process definitions in my database, most of them with some decision node, for 
which the conditions have been set to some zero-length string -- except for 

Some more tests seem to indicate that, for 3.2.Beta2 Suite,
gets me "#{true}" in the database after deployment using GPD, while
<condition expression="#{true}"/>
gives me a zero-length (non-NULL) string.

OK, that's a start!

However, even when the simple "#{true}" is in the database, I still keep 
getting the same old
decision didn't select transition, taking default Transition

There's more, but this might be as expected, as I set the decisions on 
select * from jbpm_decisionconditions
yields zero rows.
select * from jbpm_node where class_ = 'D'
shows NULLs for column decisionexpression_ .

Maybe I should deploy without GPD, just to see what that gets me in the 

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