"avbentem" wrote : If I understand correctly then
  | <decision name="Fits in mailbox">
  |   |   <transition name="Yes" to="ship item">
  |   |     <condition expression="#{false}"/>
  |   |   </transition>
  |   |   <transition name="No" to="Inform customer"/>
  |   | </decision>
  | should execute the second transition, which has no condition and thus is 
the 'otherwise' branch. However, again I get 
  | [Decision] decision didn't select transition, taking default Transition(Yes)
Just for the archives: after deploying, the database table jbpm_transitions 
showed a zero-length value in column decision_ for the 'otherwise' branch. 
Changing it to a NULL value did not change the behavior, not even when I 
restarted JBoss.

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