Mike Hoolehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm attempting to use the <env-entry> tag in my web.xml descriptor of a j2ee app to 
>define some constants.  Like this:
> <env-entry>
>     <description>Hex code for highlight color</description>
>     <env-entry-name>htmlHighlightColor</env-entry-name>
>     <env-entry-value>#CCCCFF</env-entry-value>
>     <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>  </env-entry>
> As the app is deployed, I see this in the log:
> ...
> 2001-04-11 09:39:23 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /mbz-test )
> [Auto deploy] Add env-entry htmlHighlightColor  java.lang.String #CCCCFF Hex code 
>for highlight color
> ...
> Looks good.. But under what JDNI name is this?  java:/comp/env/htmlHighlightColor 
>doesn't work, plain htmlHighlightColor doesn't work, using 
>application.getAttribute("htmlHighlightColor") doesn't work in jsp.  I don't see the 
>entry with the JNDIView mbean...

This file needs to be read by jBoss as well as Tomcat for some reason. It won't happen 
unless there is also at least an "empty" jboss-web.xml file in your WEB-INF directory.

I think this will work:

<?xml version"1.0"?>


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