Thanks for the help everyone.  Darrin pinpointed the problem.  

The comp/env namespace seemed to work for for env-entries declared in my ejb-jar.xml 
file, but i could not access the comp/env entries declared in my web.xml unless that 
"empty" jboss-web was also there.



On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 03:16:38PM -0500, root wrote:
> Mike Hoolehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm attempting to use the <env-entry> tag in my web.xml descriptor of a j2ee app 
>to define some constants.  Like this:
> > 
> > <env-entry>
> >     <description>Hex code for highlight color</description>
> >     <env-entry-name>htmlHighlightColor</env-entry-name>
> >     <env-entry-value>#CCCCFF</env-entry-value>
> >     <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
> >  </env-entry>
> > 
> > As the app is deployed, I see this in the log:
> > ...
> > 2001-04-11 09:39:23 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /mbz-test )
> > [Auto deploy] Add env-entry htmlHighlightColor  java.lang.String #CCCCFF Hex code 
>for highlight color
> > ...
> > 
> > Looks good.. But under what JDNI name is this?  java:/comp/env/htmlHighlightColor 
>doesn't work, plain htmlHighlightColor doesn't work, using 
>application.getAttribute("htmlHighlightColor") doesn't work in jsp.  I don't see the 
>entry with the JNDIView mbean...
> > 
> This file needs to be read by jBoss as well as Tomcat for some reason. It won't 
>happen unless there is also at least an "empty" jboss-web.xml file in your WEB-INF 
> I think this will work:
> <?xml version"1.0"?>
> <jboss-web/>
> Darrin
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Mike Hoolehan
Sycamore Associates, Inc.

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