I looked for the example and must have missed something.  Also, I believe
that I need to be more exact in my language, because it is easy to say
something subtlety different than what I really meant.  Please forgive me
for my inaccuracy and any help from a knowledgeable person is greatly

I realize that you can use absolute url paths (i.e. use
jnp://machine:port/somewhere) if one keeps around the url for all instances
or JNDI, or in this case jnp.  What I was hoping for and am still uncertain
as to whether jnp supports is the ability to bind a javax.naming.Reference,
which contains a javax.naming.StringRefAddr that specifies a URL federated
to another name space.   JNDI supports this as "URLs as References for
Federation".  This saves complexity in the code by not having to keep urls
around.  Then urls can be obtained on the fly (within JNDI) and not
explicitly specified.  This allows for in context lookups which unites name
space context with federation of name spaces.

We have a very complicated problem where our name space will continue to
grow and grow.  It would be great to be able to stitch together name spaces
using this technique.  Then we have separated a configuration problem from a
programing problem.

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Rouillier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Anyone know how to federate across multiple
jnp ...

I provided an example of this just yesterday.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Anyone know how to federate across multiple jnp ...

> Has anyone tried creating a URL reference to bind in jnp such that it
> references another jnp on another instances of JBoss?
> I get confused when looking for a URL scheme name on a name space based on
> jnp (i.e. ldap would look like ldap:/machine/dc=root).  All examples while
> using jnp don't require a scheme name.
> Does anyone know if jnp supports url references?
> Any help is appreciated!
> Sam
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