Thank you a lot for info!

Can you give some estimates about the performace? I've conducted small test
on my PC (Pentium III 550 MHz, 256 Mb RAM) using jboss and Hypersonic SQL. I

creating 100 beans - approx. 5000 ms
updating 100 beans - approx. 5000 ms
deleting 100 beans - approx. 8000 ms

Taking into consideration, that Hypersonic SQL (basically in-memory Java
DB), this performance is more or less acceptable for us. However, file based
tests for InstantDB show 3-4 times slower performance, and PostgreSQL 6.5.2
(ok, not 7.1) - 20 times slow down, and such performance is definitelly

> currently we have 110.000 DokmentBean beans (the index table for our
> document management system) on a MS SQL Server 7 SP2 on a 
> Pentium III 933
> with 1Gig RAM (database + jboss running on the same machine) 
> os is windows
> 2000 server
> but we are using bmp (would cmp make a difference?)

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