We have severe problems bringing stability to our Apache/Tomcat/JBoss based
application on Linux OS. Every thing seems to run stable while traffic is
low. But when traffic increases the VM forkes hundered of OS processes what
causes thousands (>40,000) of open files. At the end all OS resources are
consumed and the application dies.
I read about Linux's weak thread implementation which uses an OS process for
each thread. Could this be the source of our problems? Is there a way to
control this resources greed of our application?
Our configuration:
    Linux 2.2.18
    JDK 1.3.0 (Sun HotSpot)
    JBoss 2.2.2
    Tomcat 3.2.2
    Apache 1.3.19
Would you probably recommend to better switch to Windows or Solaris OS? If
so, which is the preferred OS for a JBoss application?
    - Frank
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