Frank Marx wrote:

> Hi,
> the question was why I cannot do it ? The question was not why I want to do
> this without using EJB,
> the challenge was to find out how can I use JNDI to do that from a
> standalone JAVA Client
> which accesses a JNDI Service.
> But as far as I know now it is possible, because the use of JNDI is not
> bound to EJB.


This might go into more detail than you really wanted, but when you 
start asking 'why' that'll happen.

There are two reasons that you can't look up datasources from outside 
the VM they exist in in JBoss.

1. JBoss binds them under the 'java:' context for its own use. This 
context isn't accessable outside of the VM that it's created in. 
Weblogic (the usual vilain when people are trying to do this) puts 
datasources at 'whateverINamedIt' - in the default, global level where 
they are accessable to other processes.
<technical>Your earlier message mentioned (paraphrasing here) that for 
an EJB's use they'll be bound under 'java:comp/env'. The DataSource 
isn't actually bound at 'java:comp/env/jdbc/whatever' - there's a Link 
object that's bound there that points to wherever the actual datasource 
is bound. Weblogic does something very similiar, except that it puts the 
actual datasource under 'whatever' where JBoss puts in at 

2. The really important reason and why #1 is there: DataSources aren't 
remote objects. Weblogic (the usual villain when people are trying to do 
this) actually hands out RmiDataSource (or something like that) objects, 
which are remotable and either put a remote invocation facade around the 
datasource, or just duplicate the code into the calling VM. I'm not sure 
which way they do it and I'm really not interested in duplicating it. 
The wisdom of doing either is debatable at best.


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