The reference is coming from the 1.2J2EE spec. The corresponding section
from the
1.3PFD3 J2EE spec is below. JBoss does not currently provide an application
client container and that is what is required to have access to the full
array of
J2EE resource managers.

<j2ee_13pfd3 spec>
A J2EE product must make the following types of objects available in the
JNDI namespace - EJBHome objects, JTA UserTransaction objects, JDBC
API DataSource objects, JMS ConnectionFactory and Destination objects, Java-
Mail Session objects, and resource manager ConnectionFactory objects (as
in the Connector specification). The JNDI implementation in a J2EE product
must be capable of supporting all of these uses in a single application
using a single JNDI InitialContext. Application components will generally
a JNDI InitialContext using the default constructor with no arguments. The
component may then perform lookups on that InitialContext to find objects
as specified above.

The names used to perform lookups for J2EE objects are application
The application component's deployment descriptor is used to list the names
and types of objects expected. The Deployer configures the JNDI namespace to
make appropriate components available. The JNDI names used to lookup such
objects must be in the JNDI java: namespace. See Chapter J2EE.5, "Naming"
</j2ee_13pfd3 spec>

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Datasource Lookup from a standalone client

> Please state where your reference is from.
> I consulted the j2ee-1_3-pfd3-spec.pdf which makes it quite clear that
> Application Clients for j2ee apps are running in an Application Client
> Container providing various services, such as JDBC DataSource lookup.  See
> for instance section 9.  Jboss is an ejb container, not an application
> client container.  I suspect you could easily construct an application
> client container using pieces of jboss (basically the jmx backbone and
> whatever services you want, like jdbc DataSource access), however this is
> not currently part of jboss.  Running an app in a separate vm does not
> it is in an Application Client Container.
> Incidently 9.3 states that a j2ee product is not required to provide a JTA
> UserTransaction object fro use by application clients.
> david jencks

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