
I was using jboss-3.0.0rc3 and performance was not an
issue. Now I've installed jboss-3.0.0 and there is a
serious performance problem in that version.

I have 1500 entities into my DB and in a finder method
I look for them all. In RC3 the first time I execute
the finder is 2 times slower than the next ones, when,
I suppose, cache takes place. Now, in jboss-3.0.0, the
same finder executes 100 times or more slower than RC3
in the first time I execute it and just a second
slower in the next ones, when cache assumes.Is this a
bug in cache initialization? Anybody else noted this?

I checked the log file and the sql generated statements
and they look like the same in both versions. My
machine CPU gets a peek during the first finder call,
indicating that there is a lot of work being done.
Why is there this significative slower performance between
Can anybody help me with this issue?


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