Hi JBoss friends,

I tend to agree with Bill and Dain's last posting here.  There are certain
things that CMP is not designed to do *well* and large, heavy reads is one
of them.

I'd venture to guess the same performance problem will occur on other app
servers, in which case, it is not a war of servers, but a principle of
application design (SSB+JDBC vs. CMP).  If the numbers come in much better
from testing on other app servers, we need to get JBoss "fixed". Until then,
I'd recommend a different approach than CMP.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:jboss-user-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Bill Burke
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help

JBoss is being used in production everywhere.  I've been at 6 sites myself
over the past year.  IMHO and experience, entity beans are not the right
choice if you're doing complex reporting.  A handmade query cache with
direct JDBC will always be faster.  Besides, EJB QL doesn't have Group By.

My bet is that it is a problem with your code

More comments inlined.

> I have a method, which does this:
>     1) begin manual transaction with jta
>     2) calls findBySomeCriteria() which returns some 750 ejbs
>         ->takes 200-300ms (good)

Entities not loaded yet...

>     3) then iterate through each, calling one of the methods
>         i do this to fill the readahead cache for all the beans in an
> attempt to isolate the performance problem
>         ->takes 80-100ms (good)

Entites are loaded by this time.  This leads me to believe it is your
DataObject creation that is slow.  More comments follow...

>     4) then iterate through each, and constructing a dataobject that I

> use for display purposes
>         ->takes 2000-2500ms (this seams way too long)
>     5) commit the transaction, blablabla..

> I used 2 other non-ejb solutions to get what I needed done.
> Cache the dataobjects in the webtier. It will only work in certain cases,
> 2/3  in my case. I know it's duplicating work that the ejb
> container should
> do,

Why should the EJB tier be responsible for caching your DataObjects?  Unless
you explicitly code this in ejbLoad, only persistent fields are stored.

> but if there is noting that can be done to JBoss to get performance
> acceptable then...

Try another app server then.  I'd be curious to see if it is much faster.


> Paginate the results. Checkout this taglib, it does it all for you
> automatically: http://edhill.its.uiowa.edu/display/. Plus my users like it
> better because IE can render the pages very fast, compared to the
> super long
> time it takes with large tables.
> .peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Georg Schmid [mailto:georg-schmid@;ti.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:23 AM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> First of all:
> This was only an experiment to check the impact of the
> EntitySynchronizationInterceptor on performance.
> Of course this is nothing you should do in a real setup. I know what the
> EntitySynchronizationInterceptor is for.
> I have been using JBoss for almost a year, reading almost all posts on
> the Jboss dev, user and cvs mailing lists, as well as searching the
> forums regulary, if I have an issue to solve.
> My problem is: Creating value objects through calling a method on an
> CMP2.0 entity bean takes 3 to 10 times more time than walking through an
> equivalent result set of a 'raw' JDBC query. I tried to dig into this
> issue by stripping down the interceptor stack !as an experiment! to the
> bare minimum. The result of this experiment was, that the
> EntitySynchronizationInterceptor is the only interceptor, that changes
> performance significantly in my setup. Removing the transaction or
> security interceptors did not have any significant impact.
> Getting the data from the database into the Jboss server memory is not
> the problem. The finder I am using for testing returns a result set with
> 1000 rows. It uses the default load group. This means that all data is
> in memory after the finder has completed, which takes only a few hundred
> milliseconds, just like issuing a "select * from BeanTable". For this
> reason playing around with page sizes and load groups etc. is pointless.
> My experience is that locking has no measurable effect on the
> performance (the performance test is strictly single-user).
> The time is lost when I walk through the collection of entity beans
> returned by the finder and call a method on each to create the value
> objects (one method call per value object). Others have come to the same
> conclusion, but I have not found a post that points to a solution of
> this problem.
> I really would like to be able to do a web page, that displays at most
> about 4000 rows, using entity beans and CMP2.0. But with the current
> performance I have to switch to direct JDBC calls in my stateless
> session beans every time I have to display more than 500 rows (Jboss
> 3.0.3 running on a dual UltraSparcIII with 4GB memory and an Oracle db
> on similar hardware).
> This is the issue I am trying to solve. If you could help me with that
> I'd really appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> Regards
> Georg
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:jboss-user-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Bill Burke
> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 07:24
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> Georg stop spewing nonsense....Never ever take out the synchronization
> interceptor!  It registers synchronzations with the TM so that the
> entity bean changes get committed!  Please read the for-pay docs or
> review the archives.  I have explained this shit over and over.
> I've added a EntityLockMonitor MBean to 3.0.4 and higher.  Look in
> jboss-service.xml to uncomment it.  Gives you # contentions in table
> with bean beans.  Also gives averages and other stats.  I'll be adding
> this to docs eventually.
> Bill
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:jboss-user-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Georg
> > Schmid
> > Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:32 AM
> > Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> >
> >
> > Peter,
> >
> > I have a similar problem and tried to dig into it.
> > You may have a look at the thread
> > http://www.jboss.org/forums/thread.jsp?forum=46&thread=20827 in the
> > forums.
> >
> > To summarize: the EB caching works perfectly (I guess it is as fast as
> > you can get with JDBC), but getting the rows in memory into a data or
> > value object is slow. Creating n value objects for n EB instances
> > involves going through the interceptor stack n times, and this is,
> > where the time is lost.
> >
> > I incrementally stripped down the interceptor stack using  a custom
> > configuration in my jboss.xml, but without much success.
> >
> > The only way to really speed up things that I found was removing the
> > synchronization interceptor, which improves performance by a factor of
> > 2, if no or only one attribute is read, but makes it worse, if many
> > attributes have to be read.
> >
> > BTW: I used commit option B, read-ahead on-load, and the Instance Per
> > Transaction setup in my experiments.
> >
> > The pattern you found is interesting. Because there are so many things
> > impacting the performance, it is hard to tell, whom to ask (Dain,
> > Bill, David,...).
> >
> > Bill Burke did some performance tests using ECPerf. Maybe he can
> > report a bit on the results.
> >
> > Regards
> > Georg
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:jboss-user-admin@;lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Luttrell,
> > Peter
> > Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 02:17
> > Subject: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> >
> >
> > I have something that is taking longer then I would like and am trying
> > to tune jboss to reduce the time it takes.
> >
> > My test scenario is as such:
> >
> > JBoss3.0.3 on jdk1.4.1_01
> > 1 2.0 CMP Enity bean with about 10 fields and 3 relationships. I'm
> > using commit-option A so all beans should be cached (see cache policy
> > below) once loaded. The first time that I run this it obviously takes
> > longer (filling the cache), however subsequent times aren't as fast as
> > i would like; see
> > below:
> >
> > I have a method, which does this:
> >
> >     1) begin manual transaction with jta
> >
> >     2) calls findBySomeCriteria() which returns some 750 ejbs
> >         ->takes 200-300ms (good)
> >
> >     3) then iterate through each, calling one of the methods
> >         i do this to fill the readahead cache for all the beans in an
> > attempt to isolate the performance problem
> >         ->takes 80-100ms (good)
> >
> >     4) then iterate through each, and constructing a dataobject that I
> > use for display purposes
> >         ->takes 2000-2500ms (this seams way too long)
> >
> >     5) commit the transaction, blablabla..
> >
> > The problem is step 4 seams to be taking longer then it should.
> >
> > I then added some trace to the dataobject constructor method, where I
> > basically pass in a reference to the ejb and call most of the methods
> > on it. The trace dumps out the total time the constructor took. I
> > noticed a weird pattern. Most of the constructions took 0ms, but every
> > 5th or so it took 15-16ms, which is where all of my time is going.
> > Note that it is not exactly every 5th and tends to vary a bit. Here's
> > a sample of the
> > output:
> >
> > 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms
> > 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms
> > 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms
> > 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms
> > 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms
> > 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms
> > 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,949 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,949 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> > 18:46:06,996 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms
> >
> > my ejb-jar.xml file:
> >
> > I have not declared any security-constraints for the bean.
> > I have tried it with transactions on and off (Required/Supports),
> > which effected performance a little but did not correct the delays i'm
> > seeing.
> >
> > my jboss.xml
> >
> > I have the bean tied to a custom container config. Here's the custom
> > config, which i basically copied directly from the standardjboss.xml
> > file. Note the changes to the cache capacity and age, etc. This is
> > intended to keep the beans in the cache.
> >
> > <container-configurations>
> >         <container-configuration>
> >    <container-name>LongLasting Large CMP 2.x EntityBean
> > Cache</container-name>
> >    <call-logging>false</call-logging>
> >
> >
> <container-invoker>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.ProxyFactory</container-invoker>
> >    <container-interceptors>
> >     <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
> >     <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT</interceptor>
> >     <interceptor metricsEnabled =
> > "true">org.jboss.ejb.plugins.MetricsInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityCreationInterceptor</intercep
> > to
> > r>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityLockInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceInterceptor</intercep
> > to
> > r>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionInte
> > rc
> > eptor</interceptor>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntitySynchronizationInterceptor</i
> > nt
> > erceptor>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCRelationInterceptor</i
> > nt
> > erceptor>
> >    </container-interceptors>
> >    <client-interceptors>
> >     <home>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.HomeInterceptor</interceptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> <interceptor>org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
> >     </home>
> >     <bean>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.EntityInterceptor</interce ptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> <interceptor>org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
> >     </bean>
> >     <list-entity>
> >
> > <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.ListEntityInterceptor</interceptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
> >      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
> >
> <interceptor>org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
> >     </list-entity>
> >    </client-interceptors>
> >   &nb
> > sp;<instance-pool>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstancePool</instance-p
> > oo
> > l>
> >
> > <instance-cache>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache</instance-ca
> > ch
> > e>
> >
> > <persistence-manager>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCStoreManager</
> > pe
> > rsistence-manager>
> >    <transaction-manager>org.jboss.tm.TxManager</transaction-manager>
> >
> > <locking-policy>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.QueuedPessimisticEJBLock</l
> > oc
> > king-policy>
> >    <container-cache-conf>
> >
> > <cache-policy>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy</c
> > ac
> > he-policy>
> >     <cache-policy-conf>
> >      <min-capacity>50</min-capacity>
> >      <max-capacity>10000</max-capacity>
> >      <overager-period>100000</over ager-period>
> >      <max-bean-age>31536000</max-bean-age>
> >      <resizer-period>100000</resizer-period>
> >      <max-cache-miss-period>60</max-cache-miss-period>
> >      <min-cache-miss-period>1</min-cache-miss-period>
> >      <cache-load-factor>0.75</cache-load-factor>
> >     </cache-policy-conf>
> >    </container-cache-conf>
> >    <container-pool-conf>
> >     <MaximumSize>100</MaximumSize>
> >    </container-pool-conf>
> >    <commit-option>A</commit-option>
> >   </container-configuration>
> >     </container-configurations>
> >
> >
> > I have also tried replacing the one of the other cache policies
> > (org.jboss.ejb.plugins.NoPassivationCachePolicy) and recieved no
> > differnet results.
> >
> > Am i doing something glaringly wrong?
> > Can anyone suggest what else to try to get the times down?
> >
> > thanks.
> > .peter
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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