Thanks for the advice.

I'll checkout SwiftMQ.


-----Original Message-----
From: Georg Schmid [mailto:georg-schmid@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help


it's a great relief to see, that I am not the only one...

I have not given up hope yet, but I cannot crank out enough hours to get
to the core of the problem.

In the app I did before the current one, I used the paging and web layer
caching approach you suggest, albeit on a small scale.
Then I embraced EJB and CMP2.0. Despite my current problems I am still
convinced that it was the right decision.

I find it more convenient to put my tables inside a <div> using the
overflow:auto css style,
so I can simply scroll down the complete list without paging. I am using
the JSTL to do the presentation layer.

Actually I had JBoss running under OptimizeIt two weeks ago, but then I
was distracted 
and now my evaluation license expired.

May be you try to use SwiftMQ (they used to have docs on how to
integrate with Jboss on their website). My company did a performance
comparison against IBM MQ Series, and SwiftMQ was significantly faster
(lean and mean, so to say, but no work flow component etc.).


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:jboss-user-admin@;] On Behalf Of Luttrell,
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 17:39
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help


I used 2 other non-ejb solutions to get what I needed done.

Cache the dataobjects in the webtier. It will only work in certain
cases, 2/3  in my case. I know it's duplicating work that the ejb
container should do, but if there is noting that can be done to JBoss to
get performance acceptable then...

Paginate the results. Checkout this taglib, it does it all for you
automatically: Plus my users like
it better because IE can render the pages very fast, compared to the
super long time it takes with large tables.


-----Original Message-----
From: Georg Schmid [mailto:georg-schmid@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:23 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help

First of all:

This was only an experiment to check the impact of the
EntitySynchronizationInterceptor on performance. Of course this is
nothing you should do in a real setup. I know what the
EntitySynchronizationInterceptor is for.

I have been using JBoss for almost a year, reading almost all posts on
the Jboss dev, user and cvs mailing lists, as well as searching the
forums regulary, if I have an issue to solve.

My problem is: Creating value objects through calling a method on an
CMP2.0 entity bean takes 3 to 10 times more time than walking through an
equivalent result set of a 'raw' JDBC query. I tried to dig into this
issue by stripping down the interceptor stack !as an experiment! to the
bare minimum. The result of this experiment was, that the
EntitySynchronizationInterceptor is the only interceptor, that changes
performance significantly in my setup. Removing the transaction or
security interceptors did not have any significant impact.

Getting the data from the database into the Jboss server memory is not
the problem. The finder I am using for testing returns a result set with
1000 rows. It uses the default load group. This means that all data is
in memory after the finder has completed, which takes only a few hundred
milliseconds, just like issuing a "select * from BeanTable". For this
reason playing around with page sizes and load groups etc. is pointless.
My experience is that locking has no measurable effect on the
performance (the performance test is strictly single-user). 

The time is lost when I walk through the collection of entity beans
returned by the finder and call a method on each to create the value
objects (one method call per value object). Others have come to the same
conclusion, but I have not found a post that points to a solution of
this problem.

I really would like to be able to do a web page, that displays at most
about 4000 rows, using entity beans and CMP2.0. But with the current
performance I have to switch to direct JDBC calls in my stateless
session beans every time I have to display more than 500 rows (Jboss
3.0.3 running on a dual UltraSparcIII with 4GB memory and an Oracle db
on similar hardware).

This is the issue I am trying to solve. If you could help me with that
I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:jboss-user-admin@;] On Behalf Of Bill Burke
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 07:24
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help

Georg stop spewing nonsense....Never ever take out the synchronization
interceptor!  It registers synchronzations with the TM so that the
entity bean changes get committed!  Please read the for-pay docs or
review the archives.  I have explained this shit over and over.

I've added a EntityLockMonitor MBean to 3.0.4 and higher.  Look in
jboss-service.xml to uncomment it.  Gives you # contentions in table
with bean beans.  Also gives averages and other stats.  I'll be adding
this to docs eventually.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:jboss-user-admin@;]On Behalf Of Georg
> Schmid
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:32 AM
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> Peter,
> I have a similar problem and tried to dig into it.
> You may have a look at the thread
> in the 
> forums.
> To summarize: the EB caching works perfectly (I guess it is as fast as

> you can get with JDBC), but getting the rows in memory into a data or
> value object is slow. Creating n value objects for n EB instances 
> involves going through the interceptor stack n times, and this is, 
> where the time is lost.
> I incrementally stripped down the interceptor stack using  a custom
> configuration in my jboss.xml, but without much success.
> The only way to really speed up things that I found was removing the
> synchronization interceptor, which improves performance by a factor of

> 2, if no or only one attribute is read, but makes it worse, if many
> attributes have to be read.
> BTW: I used commit option B, read-ahead on-load, and the Instance Per
> Transaction setup in my experiments.
> The pattern you found is interesting. Because there are so many things

> impacting the performance, it is hard to tell, whom to ask (Dain,
> Bill, David,...).
> Bill Burke did some performance tests using ECPerf. Maybe he can
> report a bit on the results.
> Regards
> Georg
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:jboss-user-admin@;] On Behalf Of Luttrell,

> Peter
> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 02:17
> Subject: [JBoss-user] Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help
> I have something that is taking longer then I would like and am trying

> to tune jboss to reduce the time it takes.
> My test scenario is as such:
> JBoss3.0.3 on jdk1.4.1_01
> 1 2.0 CMP Enity bean with about 10 fields and 3 relationships. I'm
> using commit-option A so all beans should be cached (see cache policy 
> below) once loaded. The first time that I run this it obviously takes 
> longer (filling the cache), however subsequent times aren't as fast as

> i would like; see
> below:
> I have a method, which does this:
>     1) begin manual transaction with jta
>     2) calls findBySomeCriteria() which returns some 750 ejbs
>         ->takes 200-300ms (good)
>     3) then iterate through each, calling one of the methods
>         i do this to fill the readahead cache for all the beans in an
> attempt to isolate the performance problem
>         ->takes 80-100ms (good)
>     4) then iterate through each, and constructing a dataobject that I

> use for display purposes
>         ->takes 2000-2500ms (this seams way too long)
>     5) commit the transaction, blablabla..
> The problem is step 4 seams to be taking longer then it should.
> I then added some trace to the dataobject constructor method, where I
> basically pass in a reference to the ejb and call most of the methods 
> on it. The trace dumps out the total time the constructor took. I 
> noticed a weird pattern. Most of the constructions took 0ms, but every

> 5th or so it took 15-16ms, which is where all of my time is going.
> Note that it is not exactly every 5th and tends to vary a bit. Here's 
> a sample of the
> output:
> 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms
> 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,840 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms 
> 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,855 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms 
> 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,871 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms 
> 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,886 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms 
> 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,902 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms 
> 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,918 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 15 ms 
> 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,933 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,949 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,949 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,965 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,980 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 0 ms 
> 18:46:06,996 INFO  [STDOUT] displayBean construction took 16 ms
> my ejb-jar.xml file:
> I have not declared any security-constraints for the bean.
> I have tried it with transactions on and off (Required/Supports),
> which effected performance a little but did not correct the delays i'm

> seeing.
> my jboss.xml
> I have the bean tied to a custom container config. Here's the custom
> config, which i basically copied directly from the standardjboss.xml 
> file. Note the changes to the cache capacity and age, etc. This is 
> intended to keep the beans in the cache.
> <container-configurations>
>         <container-configuration>
>    <container-name>LongLasting Large CMP 2.x EntityBean
> Cache</container-name>
>    <call-logging>false</call-logging>
>    <container-interceptors>
>     <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor</interceptor>
>     <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT</interceptor>
>     <interceptor metricsEnabled =
> "true">org.jboss.ejb.plugins.MetricsInterceptor</interceptor>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityCreationInterceptor</intercep
> to
> r>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityLockInterceptor</interceptor>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceInterceptor</intercep
> to
> r>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionInte
> rc
> eptor</interceptor>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntitySynchronizationInterceptor</i
> nt
> erceptor>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCRelationInterceptor</i
> nt
> erceptor>
>    </container-interceptors>
>    <client-interceptors>
>     <home>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.HomeInterceptor</interceptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
>     </home>
>     <bean>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.EntityInterceptor</interce ptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
>     </bean>
>     <list-entity>
> <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ejb.ListEntityInterceptor</interceptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor</interceptor>
>      <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.TransactionInterceptor</interceptor>
>     </list-entity>
>    </client-interceptors>
>   &nb
> sp;<instance-pool>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstancePool</instance-p
> oo
> l>
> <instance-cache>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache</instance-ca
> ch
> e>
> <persistence-manager>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCStoreManager</
> pe
> rsistence-manager>
>    <transaction-manager></transaction-manager>
> <locking-policy>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.QueuedPessimisticEJBLock</l
> oc
> king-policy>
>    <container-cache-conf>
> <cache-policy>org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy</c
> ac
> he-policy>
>     <cache-policy-conf>
>      <min-capacity>50</min-capacity>
>      <max-capacity>10000</max-capacity>
>      <overager-period>100000</over ager-period>
>      <max-bean-age>31536000</max-bean-age>
>      <resizer-period>100000</resizer-period>
>      <max-cache-miss-period>60</max-cache-miss-period>
>      <min-cache-miss-period>1</min-cache-miss-period>
>      <cache-load-factor>0.75</cache-load-factor>
>     </cache-policy-conf>
>    </container-cache-conf>
>    <container-pool-conf>
>     <MaximumSize>100</MaximumSize>
>    </container-pool-conf>
>    <commit-option>A</commit-option>
>   </container-configuration>
>     </container-configurations>
> I have also tried replacing the one of the other cache policies
> (org.jboss.ejb.plugins.NoPassivationCachePolicy) and recieved no
> differnet results.
> Am i doing something glaringly wrong?
> Can anyone suggest what else to try to get the times down?
> thanks.
> .peter
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