JBoss-Head, JDK 1.4.1, Informix-DB

Following given situation:
Bean 1:
Name=Festa, DBTable=festa, PK=festa_serial
Bean 2:
Name=Festr, DBTable=festr, PK=festa_serial+festr_pos_nr, FK=festa_serial -> festa
Bean 3:
Name=febdr, DBTable=febdr, PK=febdr_serial, FK=festa_serial -> festa

As you can see, for bean 2 the CMR-Field festa_serial must be a CMP-Field, because it's part of the PK.
For bean 3 the CMR-Field festa_serial must not be a CMP-Field. Otherwise you get a DeploymentException because of a "wrong" SQL-CreateTable-Statement.
The field festa_serial is mentioned twice here.
I would like JBoss to recognize that the CMR-Field is already there as a CMP-Field in both cases.

So my question: Is this a Bug, a FeatureRequest or a must be which will not be changed ?

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